The Sde Dov Complex – Northwest Tel Aviv

May 2021

The Israel Lands Authority, together with the Tel Aviv Municipality, developed Plan TA/4444 for a complex, which makes up the western section of the Gush Hagadol, spanning 1,300 dunams in total.

The complex is predominantly owned by the State of Israel and various private owners. The boundaries of the plan are the Reading Power Station from the south, Propes Street from the north, the Mediterranean Sea from the west and the continuation of Ibn Gvirol street from the east.

The plan designates that 16,000 apartments, commercial areas, hotels, offices, a seaside park, etc. to be built on the land. Upon cessation of the airport’s activity in July of 2019, the last dramatic obstacle to implementing this plan was removed. In August of 2020, the outline plan went into effect. The plan divides the complex into 3 planning compounds, where each of them will be authorized a detailed plan.

A plan was authorized for the first compound, subject to the publication of an announcement according to Paragraph 106 of the Planning and Construction Law, following the required changes. The detailed plans for the two remaining compounds are also in advanced stages. Upon authorization of the detailed plans, it will be possible to advance toward exercising the rights, signing an agreement with a developer and issuing building permits.

According to the outline plan’s allocation tables, the rights of the owners are split into 3, in such a way that each of the owners is allocated 1/3 of his rights in each of the 3 compounds. However, there is a consensus that the landowners who are amalgamated in the Group who will ask to combine their rights into one of the compounds designated for residential use should receive the rights in one amalgamated compound designated as residential, rather than being split up.

In order to receive an amalgamated allocation in Compound 3 with a residential designation for the landowners represented by our firm, and in accordance with the procedure published by the Israel Land Authority, a request was submitted in July 2020 for the execution of a ‘castling’ proceeding- a switch with the Israel Land Authority, in which the Authority relinquishes its rights in Compound 3 and the landowners relinquish their rights in Compounds 1 and 2. Consequently, the landowners will receive amalgamated rights in Compound 3 with a residential designation.

Our firm represents many landowners in the complex and additional owners are continuing to join. Landowners are amalgamating through our firm via partnership agreements, where eventually, the rights of each of the owners will be exercised in an optimal and effective manner. Our firm collaborates with the firm of Appraiser Ran Virnik, who provides professional assistance for the planning processes and the allocation of the rights.

The firm’s team has amassed comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience with the processes in the complex and in similar complexes and has the ability to provide landowners with professional and personal service in all the necessary aspects. These aspects include management of the planning processes, distribution of the rights among the owners, exercising rights through transactions that will be tailored to meet the requests and decisions of the landowners, until receipt of the apartments that were allocated to them based on their scope of rights in the complex.

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