Yuval Geva Associate


Yuval is an associate in the Dispute Resolution Department.

Yuval specializes in commercial litigation.

His practice includes representation of corporations and individuals in commercial, civil and administrative litigation in all judicial instances, arbitration and mediation.


Bar Admissions

Israel, 2022.


LL.B. (Magna Cum Laude), Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2020.
M.A. in Government (Cum Laude), Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2020.

Prior Experience

Law Clerk to the Honorable Justice George Karra, Supreme Court of Israel, 2021-2022.

Legal Intern at the office of Israel’s Attorney General, Dr. Avichai Mandelblit, 2020-2021.

Research Assistant to Prof. Aharon Barak, President of the Israeli Supreme Court (Ret.), Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2019-2020.

Research Assistant to Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2019-2020.

Research Assistant to Prof. Yaniv Roznai, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2019-2020.

Research Assistant to Prof. Lior Barshack, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, 2018-2019.


Hebrew, English.

Legal Updates & Cases