EBN is one of the pioneers in Israel in the area of class actions. The firm has accrued considerable and successful experience, both in representation of defendants as well as in representing plaintiffs in class actions.
Over many years, the firm has been involved in some of the largest class actions in the history of Israeli law. The court decisions in these proceedings have been milestones in the field of class actions.
The firm has represented the largest corporations in Israel in dozens of class actions filed against them. Among others, the firm has represented in class actions, Bezeq, DBS Satellite Services (‘yes’), Africa Israel Investments, Shikun & Binui, Nesher, Eden Springs, Tadiran, various insurance companies, Sonol, Supergas, UPS, Maman Group, Otsar Mifalei Yam (which manages and operates the Tel Aviv Port), Metropoline, PwC Israel, Jerusalem Economy Ltd., and others.