Plan HR/2200/A Complex – Hof Hatchelet

May 2021

The Herzliya Municipality has developed Plan HR/2200/A on an area of 2,200 dunams located in the southwest section of the city of Herzliya. It is one of the last municipal land reserves left in the city.

The boundaries of the plan are the Coastal Highway from the east, the Herzliya Industrial Zone from the north, the northern neighborhoods of Tel Aviv from the south –and from the west – The Mediterranean Sea.

The plan will feature the construction of 12,500 apartments, commercial areas, hotels, offices, a seaside park and public areas.

The planning proceeding will include two stages. The first stage takes place at the Regional Committee, which will authorize an outline plan that will determine the land’s designations, divide the complex into 3 planning compounds, and determine which lots will be included in each compound.

In the second stage, the municipality will divide each of the planning compounds into lots, and the landowners of the various lots will be allocated rights. As part of the first planning proceeding, planning and appraisal provisions will be set that will serve as the basis for the second planning proceeding. Only as part of the objection proceedings will it be possible to raise appraisal and planning claims, in order to increase the scale of rights, their relative value and their distribution between the owners.

During the past year, Plan HR/2200/B has gone into effect. This plan sets a mechanism to protect rights, i.e., landowners whose lots, in their entirety or part thereof, which are located in the area of the plan for the light rail that will pass through the compound, will receive rights as part of the reparcelization process, according to the original area of the lots. Additionally, the landowners are reserved the right to sue for expropriation compensation and compensation for a decrease in value, if the plan is not implemented.

On 03.08.2020, the Tel Aviv Regional Committee for Planning and Construction decided to recommend depositing the plan. After the deposit notification is announced, it will be possible to submit a response to the plan’s proposed provisions in a professional and well-reasoned manner, within 60 days.

The amalgamation of the landowners in a real estate partnership agreement is of utmost importance. Only in this manner can each and every owner realize his rights, in an effective and optimal manner, so that the rights will be allocated in specific lots together with the landowners who are jointly represented and amalgamated under the partnership agreement. Otherwise, the landowners will be exposed to dissolution of real estate partnership proceedings, which will definitely lead to the forced sale of their rights as part of the receivership proceedings.

Over the years, a large scope of landowners has joined together to be represented by our firm, and additional owners are continuing to join. Our legal team has amassed comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience with the processes related to the complex. The team is capable of providing the landowners with professional and personal service on all aspects that are required to manage the planning proceedings. These aspects include the distribution of rights among the owners, exercising of rights through transactions that will be tailored to meet the requests and decisions of the landowners.

Currently, our firm is engaged in the objection stage, and Appraiser Mr. Shlomi Maaravi is providing professional support to the group of owners represented by our firm.

We attribute great importance to the updates sent to landowners, from time to time, regarding the planning and amalgamation proceedings. As part of this activity, an online conference was held by our firm in September of 2020, which provided the landowners with information regarding the current planning status and the expected proceedings in the future, as well as information regarding the rights offered in the plan, a general review of the options for realization and tax charges.

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