pro bono Portfolio Updates

November 2020

Our firm is currently representing “on a pro bono” basis, along with Tel Aviv University’s Clinic for the Rights of Holocaust Survivors and the Elderly, an elderly woman who is a tenant in a nursing home, in a lawsuit against the nursing home which sought evict her. The elderly woman had been hospitalized after contracting COVID-19, and upon her recovery, the nursing home refused to let her back in.
Our firm and the Clinic (as well as The Ministry of Health) filed an urgent motion, asking the court to order the nursing home to allow the elderly woman tenant to return to the nursing home.

An urgent hearing was held, after which the court granted the motion, while criticising the nursing home’s actions and ordering it to pay legal expenses to the elderly woman tenant. Thanks to the urgent hearing and the court’s intervention, the tenant has returned to the nursing home.

The tenant is represented by Adv. Gil Levkovitz, a partner in our litigation department, and intern Amit Assayag. For the Clinic’s post regarding this case, click here!

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