Nisreen's radio interview on "Hi-Tech and Investments in the Arab Society"

July 2021

In an interview with Radio “Makan”, Senior Associate Nisreen Mansour from our Labor Law department spoke about the successful “Hi-Tech and Investments in the Arab Society” Conference, which our firm sponsored and participated in organizing, in a panel with additional organizers.

Nisreen: “Arab business men and women need to think outside the box, change the idea of ​​’what they know better than what they do not know’ and make a decision to be exposed to the high-tech field: the available opportunities, the various investment mechanisms, the advantages and disadvantages of investing in such a field.
In addition, they must consult with experts who can verify the legal-financial situation of the company in which they are interested to invest, in order to preserve their rights”.

Click here to Listen the full (Arabic) interview here (26:50 – 08:47).

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