The article belongs to the category:Deals & Cases

Checkmarx To Be Bought By Hellman & Friedman For $1.15B Valuation

March 2020

The leading private equity investment firm Hellman & Friedman (H&F), which entered into a $1.15 billion transaction for the acquisition of Checkmarx, an Israeli cyber security company.

H&F was represented by our firm, Adv. Nitzan Aberbach, Doni Toledano, Roy Caner, Dan Sella, Jonathan Achiron, Kay Geller, Eyal Birenberg, LL.M., LL.B., Lior Etgar, Noa Giora, Uri Bregman, and legal interns Or Librat and Roni Ben-Ivri, and together with our friends at the U.S. law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP.
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